New book for Tasmanian writer Dawn Meredith

It's always exciting when one of our group gets published! A new book, born into the world. This month it's Dawn Meredith's turn to release a 'book baby' - The Whispering Stone, a novel for young adults 12-18 years. Dawn has been working on this story since 2006, whilst publishing other books. This is her 13th book for kids and young adults. 
So what is it all about?
The Whispering Stone is a mystery story with a paranormal twist set in Cornwall, England and features the haunting of a boy by his twin brother. Harry is a self-confessed nerd, scared of talking to girls and dependent upon his athletic, popular best friend David for social interactions, however, as he uncovers his strange past, Harry pushes himself to demand answers and forms friendships with two local girls who help him in his quest to defy the family curse.
Here is the blurb:
A circle of salt on the ground, a wooden talisman and the ravings of an ancient mad woman–is it enough to free him from being haunted by his dead twin brother? Only the Whispering Stone, the sentinel, high up on Damage Cliffs, has the answer. It’s happened before. It will happen again. There is a debt to pay. A beautiful, sad-eyed girl says she’s his cousin. His best friend says he’s a selfish jerk and the girl he’s in love with won’t speak to him. Welcome to Harry’s world.
Find out more about this and Dawn's other books here:
Purchase your copy of The Whispering Stone, as print or ebook here: Dawn's books on Amazon


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