Noel Davern, Tasmanian Sci-fi Author - new book AMBIVALENCE

Noel Davern

Noel Davern is a Tasmanian Sci-fi author.

ISBN Paperback: 978-1-7635773-0-5

ISBN eBook: 978-1-7635773-1-2

We have danced with war for centuries, but now, armed with nuclear weapons, we stand at the precipice. This isn’t just another chapter in our violent history, in our relentless urge to conquer: to dominate. Will we step back, or at least draw breath? What purpose do these apocalyptic tools serve if we hesitate to wield them? It’s a twisted logic—a paradox that gnaws at our collective conscience.

As architects of our own demise, we sculpt our fate with hubris and fear. And the planet—our fragile home—bears the scars of our ambition. But do we care? It seems not.

Yet, amidst the chaos, a lone figure emerges—a guardian of balance. Sent by those who possess the ways and the means to halt our wantonness. Their motives remain shrouded, but their resolve is unwavering.

While the clock ticks, the guardian grapples with our existence. Can the Earth endure our presence, or would it thrive without us? The choice rests with us—the architects-turned-reformers. We must rewrite our narrative; redefine our purpose.

It’s now or never.



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